Daily Motivation For Healthy Mindset


1. Rest Is Just As Important As Work - Rest is part of the work. It's a healthy habit. It's essential. It brings clarity. It renews your strength.It gives you peace. It drives away fear. It creates space for God to do his mighty works through us. In this uncertain time, it's important to cut yourself some slack. Take a breath, and rest. Even you've found yourself with more free time than usual, don't force yourself too much. Taking a break is necessary. It plays a vital role in your purpose. So, slow down. Talk slowly. Relax. Give yourself a break from feeling responsible for anyone else. It's okay, don't feel guilty for it.

2. Stop Beating Yourself Up - You've punished yourself enough. Too much. Now you're just slowing yourself down, and it's unhealthy. It's ok to just be okay. Take your time. Learn to enjoy the process. You're not in competition with anyone else, but yourself. Maybe the healthiest thing you can do is to step back and examine the way you live, and the way you work. Lessen the worrying part and focus more on improving. Don't be too hard on yourself, your messed up, and your shortcomings. They are part of the process. Very often, the things that slowing us down is ourselves. So maybe you can stop beating yourself up now, and just live. Being content right now doesn't mean we have to abandon our hopes and dreams. Don't worry, God holds your future in his gracious hands.

3. Practice Joy While Healing Is Still In Process - Whether you like it or not, life involves suffering. It just does. The good news is that it is also possible to heal, grow and experience peace through it all. Rather than run from it, it's better just to embrace it and become stronger from it. Healing always involves action. You decide for it. You can either skip or runs towards it. The latter holds so much promises.You're allowed to treat yourself some time to heal. Learn to smile. See good in life, and practice joy while healing in still in process. Know that you're still growing, learning, adapting, improving, and healing. You don't need rush or skip it, just fully embrace it. His ability to heal is greater than your ability to be broken. Let his love flow through you.

4.  God Removes To Replace - One thing I am certain about God is that, He will never take something away from you without the intention of replacing it with something much better. That's what He does. Maybe you're feeling frustated right now, you may have lost your job, whatever it is, know that He will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost and open the right doors for you at the right time. Yes, things can be very painful, difficult and uncertain right now. It takes tremendous faith to say, " God has something better for me", but sometimes, you just have to stop and look back what God has already done for you in the past, and remember that if He did it back then, He's faithful to do it again. God removes to replace, so be it in anything valuable to you.

5. God Is Still Preparing You - If you've received a word from God about someting He wants to do in your life, trust that He will make it happen. You may not see it yet but eventually you will. Don't stop short. Don't quit too soon. Your present suffering are just a part of a brighter, bigger and better He has in mind in the beginning - future glory. It always takes pain to have a progress. It takes trial to have a powerful testimony. It's not breaking you. It's making you. So, instead of going too hard on yourself, celebrate how far God has brought you, and rest in knowing that you're in the hands of a loving and faithful Him. You're His masterpiece in the making, and He's still preparing you.

6. Some Battles Are Won In Prayer - Don't lose your energy fighting a fight that is not yours. If the battle is to big to fight, that means it's not yours. There's no point going into battle if you know you're going to lose, invite God in' It's not sign of weak faith, it's a sign of surrendered sign. There are some battle taking place that can only be won in prayer. Ushering God into your situation and asking Him into your heart, mind and soul will allow you to start seeing powerful outcomes. That will do. The inclusion of His anointing changes everything. No matter what your fight look like, invite God in your home, in your finances, in your health, in your relationship, and in every aspect of your life. 

7. Stop Comparing Yourself - You block your blessings every time you compare yourself to other people. Their season is not your season. Your path is your path, and their path is theirs. So stop comparing. It's okay if yours is a bit different to others. Instead of comparing, flourish on your own season, grow in maturity, and learn to celebrate every progress along the way. Don't let comparison steal the joy of your journey. Know that God's been actively doing something special on the inside of you. You're in process of becoming who He designed you to be. You've been working on yourself lately and it shows. So, be patient. Walk diligently. Trust your becoming. Lean in to the One who holds your future. Your time will come.

8. Don't Go BackTo Where God Has Freed You From - Many of us keep longing for a new future while holding on to the past. We want God to do something  new for us, but we refuse to let Him tear awal all the old from us. Maybe God is shaking to loose; things that are not aligned with His will. Rather than fight it - it's better just to celebrate it and understand that He is freeing you. You might be tempted to go back but understand that you cannot grab hold of the future God has for you if you keep going back to the life you never wanted in the first place. There's nothing to go back to, there's only forward. You've learn the lessons. You're leaving the past , and you're now stepping into new future.

9. God Will Open The Right Doors At The Right Time - Have you ever been to crisis? Maybe you're going through one now. But let me remind you of this; God is never early, His never late, He's always on time. His timing is perfect. No matter how bad your situation may look like or how there appears to be no answer, no help, no hope, God will see you through. If you prayed already, if you made step already, then breath now. You did your part, now is the time to trust and watch God do his part. Hold on, don't give up your faith, He's at work. So keep asking, keep trusting. Keep knocking. When the time is right, the right doors will be opened. Trust His timing.

10. No Matter How Empty You Are, God Can Restore You - Maybe you're feeling empty right now. Perhaps you are tired and spiritually drained. You may feel as if no one cares. Perhaps you've tried to get filled with wrong sources and none of them worked. Don't lose hope, breathe. The good new is, when you call to God, rest assured that He will answer. Making room for temporary desires will only leave you in a strange feeling of emptiness. It's not worth it. Make room for God instead. His cup never run dry. In moments when we feel empty the most, that's where God longs to fill us with grace the most. Only God can satisfy you.

Kredit to : Daily Motivational

BACA JUGA : Kata - Kata Renungan

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